Thursday, January 01, 2009


Today marks the 30th anniversary of my mother's passing. How can 30 years have gone by so quickly? Childhood sweethearts, Mom and Dad were always very much in love. They worked hard and they worked productively as a farm family and as contributers to their community and, most of all, to the lives of their children.

Mom was only 60 years old when she died. Along with Dad, there was so much she had hoped yet to do as a recent retiree from farm life. Art, writing, travel. Most of all, she looked forward to enjoying her grandchildren. She always said that her reward for growing old was her grandchildren. I now know very well what she meant! (The three little people in the following picture have blessed me with four grandchildren of my own!)

I think of Mother often. Today, most especially, I remember her with great affection and am grateful for all that she taught me and that she helped me to be.


Janice and Mike said...


Janice and Mike said...

Not sure what that "S" is all about (Previous comment)--but wanted to tell you how much I miss your mom, too. Aunt Norie was very special to me, and I think of her often. I find it hard to think that it has been 30 years.