Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Very Happy Day All Around

What a happy, exciting day it was yesterday!! The inauguration, the enthusiasm, the hope, the delightful first family image, the tears, the pride, ... If you haven't as yet seen the posting that Sandy did of Anders watching the inauguration, you should slip over to their blog. That picture says it all!

I watched CNN almost nonstop, to include the parade and some of the ball coverage. I snapped this picture of our new first couple from my TV set while they watched the parade. They look tired already, and they had hours to go and lots of dancing yet to do. (Nevertheless, they were hard at work early this morning, already beginning to act on promises previously made.)

During the parade, some extra joy was pumped into our home, as Granddaughter Eleanor stopped by for a visit. Here she is with Grandma reading a very smelly scratch and sniff book called "The Sweet Treats Carnival." Of course, she already knows the names of all the characters in the story.

Meanwhile, Josey gazed into the rising sun of our crystal ball, trying to see all the good things that await us as our new President leads us forward.

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