Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Clara's First Birthday

January 8th--Clara's first birthday! Seems like we should break out that old Leslie Gore song, but then, Clara wasn't crying, so I guess that isn't necessary. (If you weren't around in the 50s and early 60s, this may mean nothing to you.)

Clara wasn't crying. She was happy, happy. "Another present for me? What's this one?"

"Oh! It's a lovely new sweater!"

"But, I really love the tissue it came in. So much more fun to play with."

"My brother received a gift or two as well. What's that about?"

"Wow! I love these slippers. Are they mine?"

"Helena and Sebastian! So nice of you to come over for my party!"

"Sebastian! You used to smack me when we met, now you have your hand on my knee. I guess that's progress."

"The lasagna birthday dinner is a wonderful idea, but while I wait, let's have some Os as hors d'oeuvres."

"Auntie Liz--don't you just love the beads that Grandpa Bill made for me? Let's string them all on this lace."

"Mom! A cake for me? You shouldn't have."

"I'll need a little help blowing out that candle."

"Maybe I'll just blow it a kiss."

"Henry said I should dig right into the cake with my fingers. I never get to do that with my food! This is fun!"

"A whole piece for me? Wow!"

"Mom! It is soooooo good! Thanks for making it for me!!!"

Happy Birthday, Clara!"

1 comment:

Carrie and Rob said...

That last picture is sweet. Happy Birthday Clara from Uncle Roberto, Auntie Carrito, and Eleanor!