Saturday, January 31, 2009


David Skorton, now President of Cornell University in New York, was in town yesterday to give the keynote speech at the annual Chamber of Commerce dinner. I worked for David for about 13 years when he was Vice President for Research and, later, President of the University of Iowa. He was a wonderful boss and is a great man, and the area misses him very much. So, it was fun to have a chance to see him again after more than 2½ years.

The current Vice President for Research kindly invited me to join a table that his office sponsored, so that I had a chance both to see and visit with David and to reconnect with all of my very good friends and colleagues from that office, where I worked myself for the last six years of my time at the UI. The Chamber dinner had record attendance, I think, surely because so many people wanted to see and hear David again.

Prior to the dinner, I enjoyed about 15 minutes with David and also with Robin Davison, his spouse, who is a distinguished medical researcher. We reminisced and discussed events in New York and here in Iowa City. What a pleasure it was to see them and so many of my other friends again!

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